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Posts posted by keith20mm

  1. GregValiant,


    That is a very good idea, and there are two board headers available.  I think I shall try that.  I was under the impression that that particular fan should always be under program control, maybe not so.  The original Ender-4 pdf shows FAN2 as the nozzle 4010 fan, and is the only fan on the head.  Creality never provided the original code (versions, various features), nor configuration files, only way to know is to dis-assemble the .hex files.. not worth that kind of effort.



  2. GregValiant:  What I find is this:  If I use the gcode as produced, then the hot end fan comes on after the extruder comes to temperature.  I generally get a heat creep clog that blocks the filament from ever moving again, as it has heat-set some distance above the bitter end of the teflon tube.


    However, if I edit the gcode file and move the MM106 S191 as shown above, I get perfect flow, perfect part, no media starvation, etc.


    I shall either make my own post process to set as shown above, or alter the Marlin code, which happens to be (new release), and this is all on an Creality Ender-4 h-bot that happens to, otherwise, work perfectly using the new Creality 2.2 board, which replaced the original board.  The original board poofed the y-driver when -> I manually lifted the Z-axis, apparently too quickly <-- 


    And, of course, Creality no longer supplies anything Ender-4, or even acknowledges the existence of the machine.


    By the way, I never had this heat problem using the prior board/Marlin (again, Creality would only say "here's the github URL)...   I also have an Ender-5 Plus, which has an additional, from Creality, fan, on the hot end box.


    I can also (via menu), set bed, hot end temps, and fan speed, and end up with a fine part, using the output direct from Cura.

  3. GregValiant, I appreciate your reply.  I have looked at the post-process. 


    I need the fan to come on immediately before the extruder temperature control:


    ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.4.0
    M140 S65
    M190 S65
    M106 S191      ;  Turn on fan, 75% (of 255), before turning on hot end.
    ;                 Desire is to prevent heat creep stoppage
    M104 S205
    M109 S205
    M82 ;absolute extrusion mode



    Here, M106 Sxxx is before almost everything else..


    Once layer 1 commenced, I would prefer M106 S255 (100%) but S191 appears to work fine.


    As to the post process, does this post process proceed, with no other input, other than having the file present (added), or or is there some additional setting that must be made in the print profile?



  4. Extruder fan control:  I have

    M106 S191

     in my job start for this printer.


    Once the layer 1 begins, Cura sets


    M106 S85


    then, later, Cura sets

    M106 S170


    and then later, Cura sets

    M106 S255



    First, where do these M106 Sxxx values come from, and

    Secondly, How do I override them with my own desired fan speed settings?




  5. I have a chuck scroll plate, which is a rectangular cross section spiraling from center out.


    I have Top Layers 3, with layer thickness 0.2.


    The top layers atop the upper face on the scroll plate, upon which sits the spiral, were omitted in the slice.  If you inspect the photo, you can clearly see the exposed infill, lacking top layers, meanwhile, the spiral continues to be laid down.




    ScrollPlateB.gcode ScrollPlateB.3mf ScrollPlateB.stl

  6. In the article: https://www.fabbaloo.com/blog/2019/10/3/ultimaker-cura-43-released-with-a-feature-ive-wanted-forever


    down in the section entitled "Favorite Ultimaker Feature", and in https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/releases/tag/4.3.0


    down in section entitled "Align faces to the build plate", the nice feature is described.


    However, I download Cura 4.3 and later versions (4.6, most recent), and there is no Align faces to the build plate option.


    So, is this feature ghostware, or is there some configuration or driver I need to adjust/add, or how may I select a face and have Cura plant that face onto the build plate?


    Thanks in advance !




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