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Posts posted by rmpel

  1. I see what you mean. But perhaps take a lesson from Slic3r? 

    Material settings: everything material related, to tackle things like over- or under extrusion , as you said.

    Printer settings: every setting that is printer related; resonance would be tackled by setting the infill speed, and, of course, the printer would know its own jerk and acceleration settings.

    And finally; print settings; everything that is not printer or material dependant. Like number of wall lines, infill percentage, things like that.


    Again, I get what you are saying, I understand it's not as black and white, but I'm just stating an inconvenience 🙂 and perhaps with this insight, we can make Cura better.


    So once again; thank you. I appreciate the time you took to respond.


    "Not carrying over ANY settings at least makes that predictable."

    True, it IS very predictable, because there is just "one" settings library. It's all on one pile. If it were split into a few sections, one section carried over, one or more others not, it would still be predictable. I've lost quite some time discovering my second printer was printing in .1 layer height, 70% infill, while I intended to have 2 identical prints running at .2 with 25% infill.


    Anyway. I'm going in circles 🙂


  2. I often balance my print jobs over two printers and when switching from one to the other in Cura, all my settings change. How can I prevent that? It is quote annoying to have to recheck every setting, like infill%, number of walls, wall alternating etc just because I switched to a different printer. It's not like those settings are printer dependent, but Cura treats them as such.


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