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Everything posted by Nail

  1. Nail


    with such slow motions - no inclination thanns
  2. Nail


    Just printed 2 models, one with 45 degrees rotations Both stand vertical. Travel speed - 200 mm/s But - this models are 'empty', 0% filling, so only shells Next time I will try with less travel speed. Maybe alot of fast pulls/pushes shift cheap printer's mechanic It happens in less wide side, where accelerarions are more high
  3. Nail


    I tried to find and found same XY moves on different layers of Cura code and it seems - no shifts But - it occurs again and again Simplify_D52x45.gcode
  4. Nail


    I did not print exactly this code, just generated from saved .3mf It is for 1 mm nozzle, before I printed with 0.4 mm with the same 'success' SolidWorks file is presented too, in ZIP D52x45.3mf D52x45.gcode D52x45.zip
  5. At first I thought that this happens due to printer's mechanical fault - even changed X and Y motors Inclination continued on Y axis But then I rotated the model on 90 degrees in Cura and produced new GCode - inclination happens on X axis So - it is Cura's wrong code issue - same STL (made on Solidworks) is Ok printed on Simplify3D G-code But - I prefer Cura ! I also imported model from SolidWork file using Cura pugin - the same inclination
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