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Posts posted by mikebuss

  1. I've been printing with PLA and PVA, and one day the PVA stopped feeding correctly. I tried a bunch of things, like hot/cold pulls and drying the filament, but nothing worked. I replaced the BB print core and it started printing correctly, but the print would periodically say "out of PVA filament", requiring me to click Continue. After clicking Continue, it would usually print PVA correctly, but after a few times (over the course of an hour) it stopped.


    So, I tried unloading the PVA and re-loading it, which has helped before. When the printer tried unloading the PVA, I noticed the motor would suddenly stop with a horrible sound. Here is a video of this happening: 



    Can someone tell me what's going on here with the motor? How do I fix this? What could have caused it?


    Thank you for any help you can provide.


  2. My Ultimaker S3 makes a very high pitched whine from the moment it gets power. Nothing stops or changes this sound in any way. It sounds exactly like what was reported in this post (with a video included that shows the exact same sounding whine): 



    Is there anything that can be done about this? I would love to keep my printer on all day but it's such a horrible sound!


    Thank you!

  3. I was thinking of releasing an iOS app to control Ultimaker printers through the available API. Is this something Ultimaker condones, or would it get removed from the App Store? I searched the Terms of Service and didn't see anything so I wanted to make sure.


    Thanks for making such awesome printers. I love my S3.

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