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Everything posted by stardude900

  1. So the title might need a little bit more explanation, but here is an issue I've run into sometimes when printing through CURA. In my Z seam alignment settings, I generally try to use "sharpest corner" in order to have it not try to print at curves right at the start of a new layer (in the x / y direction). This usually works out okay, but since I am printing with a 0.8mm nozzle, sometimes on arches or curves in the z direction, it will decide to start the layer over blank space (like seen below). When I change the Z seam alignment to be something like "back left corner" or "front right corner", it will only print over existing material for one half of this model and not the whole thing. So one side *generally* is okay since, while yes it's printing over empty space, it came from already existing layers and has something to hold on to. So I guess the hope would be a sub-setting or something for Z seam where you can say "start layer over existing material" or "max overhang angle for start of new layer". Hope that makes sense. And yes, I understand that not everyone prints with larger nozzles and that this could be fixed by better model design, but I'm also not the best at designing things and it stinks having to go back and tweak this for hours when only half of a few layers get messed up from this. Also not sure if feature requests are supposed to be here or over on the github, but I guess I can copy / paste over there if needed.
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