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Everything posted by bltouchdude

  1. Need to slice a 600MB STL but my PC isn't strong enough 😞 Hired a VPS but running into all kinds of problems 😞 If someone has more RAM and CPU than what I am working with, please consider slicing my object and I will transfer you €10 Litecoin or PayPal. You don't need a supercomputer to do this, just 4GB of RAM and a decent CPU it shouldn't be too difficult. If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated and if all goes well I am open to have some more objects sliced once in a while. I need to have it sliced specifically in Cura with Custom settings, I have the profile ready to go. Also I need it to slice with the standard settings Cura provides for the CR10 MAX. No big deal but I need someone who knows what he/she is doing. Thanks in advance.
  2. It did make a change but the end result is still disstatisfying. It's the result of the single Z-screw making it less reliable lowering the overall quality. My advice to anyone is to buy a printer with a double Z-screw because the overall quality will be so much better on high quality prints, definately worth the extra money since the CR20PRO is now completely useless to me. Double Z-screw is king so I guess my only option to make it work is to add another Z-screw on the other side, already found some promising mods on the internet, thanks a lot everyone, special thanks to Tomahawk_101.
  3. Got to be kidding me, yes the model with a single Z-screw and 3 wheels on each vertical extrusion. Your suggestion was the very last thing I thought of before going to sleep. I figured there's a loose wheel on the X-gantry, the one on the most up-right side, tightening it for another test run.
  4. Hello guys and girls, The following issue has been keeping me awake for days now. A regular recurring Z-band, I am not the only one experiencing it. It has gone unsolved before so let's try to straighten it out once and for all. I have a CR10MAX and a new CR20PRO, I use Simplify3D and Cura, I have printed many kilos of filament and fixed many problems myself before. I have sliced this chromatic vase with Cura and the CR10MAX does a perfect job, just amazing, absolute perfection. Now I tried printing it with the CR20PRO, same model, same settings, same everything and these bands show up at the same spot again and again so it should be a hardware issue with my new machine? OR software related difference between these machines. I have tried everything and I believe the following variables can be eliminated. Temperature, I have printed many kilos PLA using 185-190. Speed, I print slow, 900-1200mm/min Hotbed cooling down causing shrinking causing bands, I tried printing with hotbed on and off Z-axis bolts and nuts are checked, fully greased rod, filament is not pulling on it. Bed leveling is perfect, I use a glass plate and BLTouch. PLA shrinking causing bands, no because the other printer does a perfect job on same settings, I use 100% fan cooling. Bad quality filament, no I use top quality only. I use Microswiss nickle plated wear-resistant nozzle. Checked all other bolts and nuts. Tweaked all settings I could find on the machine and no difference. I DO use relative extrusion with a 0.8mm nozzle and 0.32 layer height and spiralized contour aka vasemode. As you can see these bands are very subtle, but clearly visible, it is recurring at 3 and 4 cm so no regular interval either it seems. The first band has their layers a bit close to each other, you can feel a bump, the second and third band are only visual, you can't even feel a difference in layer.
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