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Posts posted by HenryK

  1. 1: I am running the newest version of cura, this is my customized gcode, but the original code is no different ABL wise.


    2: The only thing I have changed is the build plate, I am using this one here.


    3: I am running firmware 1.7 something, (I can't check now because I am printing, and I will edit this post with the proper firmware) and I haven't tried updating it, I am afraid I will mess up because all I have is a mac.


    4: Yes, and it works fine, but I feel that I should be utilizing the ABL. Or maybe if it ain't broke don't fix it. 😁


    Hope this helps!

  2. When I slice my object in cura with this start gcode (I have tried the original and other versions too).

    M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z100.00 E5000.00 ;Setup machine max acceleration
    M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z10.00 E50.00 ;Setup machine max feedrate
    M204 P500.00 R1000.00 T500.00 ;Setup Print/Retract/Travel acceleration
    M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z0.40 E5.00 ;Setup Jerk
    M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate
    M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate
    G28 ;Home
    M413 S1;Power Loss Recovery
    M420 S1 Z2 ;Enable ABL using saved Mesh and Fade Height
    M140 S50 ;Start heating bed
    M190 S50 ;Wait for bed to reach temp before proceeding
    M104 S{material_print_temperature} ;Start heating extruder
    M109 S{material_print_temperature} ;Wait for extruder to reach temp before proceeding
    G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
    G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up
    G1 X10.1 Y20 Z0.70 F5000.0 ;Move to start position
    G1 X10.1 Y200.0 Z0.70 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line
    G1 X10.4 Y200.0 Z0.70 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little
    G1 X10.4 Y20 Z0.50 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line
    G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
    G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up

    It probes, but the printer doesn't compensate for the bowed bed. What should I do? For now the printer with manual leveling works 90%. I feel that I am wasting the auto leveling system.


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