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Posts posted by Uldis

  1. Hello guys!
    I upgraded yesterday to Cura 4.7 and noticed the head movement to the plate is extremely slow, leading to other problems (oozing and the inability to remove it all before it hits the plate and then this oozed material getting in the way)
    Went and checked the Gcode and noticed that while previously the movement from home to the bed was (in V4.6.2):
    G0 F3600 X34.252 Y-31.8 Z0.3
    And now in V4.7 it places an extra line before that one:
    G1 F600 Z1.3        <-----
    G0 F3600 X-33.858 Y-32.05 Z1.3 (coordinates are not the same as it's a slightly different model and Z0 has been calibrated)
    My question is: how to stop Cura from adding this extra (and slow) line?
    Basically it's telling it to go slow to the bed Z position, and THEN it say ah, yeah, go fast, when it's already there? Nothing else was changed other than the V4.7 upgrade and as I say this makes my prints exceedingly slow and makes the oozing a big problem.

    Hope to hear from you soon, thanks!
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