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Posts posted by ryandavidmandell

  1. Thank you Smithy.  I tried your suggestions: inspected contacts on print heads (looked good), and disassembled the print head to look at the cable connection.  I disconnected and reseated the cable, then reassembled everything.


    I got two prints to run successfully, but now I'm back to the same ER 15 message.


    Any other ideas?  I'm happy (well, happy is a strong word) to spend some money on replacement parts, but what I definitely don't have is time to continue troubleshooting.


    Best wishes,



  2. Hello,


    One of my Ultimaker 3 machines is showing a ER 15 code about 10 minutes into a print, on every attempt.  I have swapped out the print core (which is supposed to resolve the problem, according to the Help information available) to no avail. 


    Does anyone have ideas about where to look next? What parts might need to be replaced?


    Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


    Best wishes,


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