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Posts posted by lenigma1

  1. Mr. jrbarron. It's would appear the both of us are in the same boat.

    I've been following TechingTechs YR page almost a year before ever owning a printer!


    There appears to be something missing from the string being sent to the printer that Dremel slicer has, but straight G-Code does not.


    I've done a bit of snooping, and from what I gather from the packet sniffer, the slicer is sending code in a non standard format, it almost looks web based to be honest.


    Truthfully, I really wish I knew how to read this better... An educated guess is the printer is waiting for a start trigger, and end trigger that is NOT standard merlin code, even though that what flavor it's assigned too.


    Lastly, the above profile for the 3D45, everytime I put it into Cura 4.7.x, it comes back telling me it appears corrupted, do you wanna purge and start new? ... Never got it to.load, and when I did get it functional (4.7 that is), after self level, I CAN NOT get the bed level sensor to come back up!

    It just drags around in the bed!


    So, I need about of guidance myself, and I really hope educan911 sees this... But he's told me via dmhes 100% PrusaSlicer now...

    Fingers crossed!

  2. WOW! its like you can read minds my friend! 
    Just last night, i ran into a serious road block with cura4 not finding my printer due to token negotiation.... so, I have read about, and several on YouTube have praised the merits and virtues of Prusa, and actually grabbed it last night!

    TeachingTech is brilliant! I just watched is non planar printing video last night as well(it was a 3am night for me! GOD I love learning about things that interest me!), and it got my brain all fired up, and a new savings plan in place to fetch myself a printer with proper clearance and cooling. Those results where unapproachable!

    And there's no way i would ever purchase slicing and modeling software ANNUALLY, when things like Cura, Prusa and TinkerCAD are doing a fantastic job for me! Sadly, you re not the first person who told me to stay away from simplify. Not because its bad software, because every part of it costs more and more.
    Photogrammetry is something i will be getting into, and have been doing a bit of research on... additional software, at a cost, is required with Simplify... 


    However, I am running into the very same 'no printer found on network' problem with both pieces of software...
    This isn't the ideal place to discuss that. Do you have any suggestions as to how/where you could possibly guide me a little on solving said problem?

    If all else fails, lenigma1@gmail.com, to point me in the right direction, if you have the time of course! 7 printers is like having 7 kids... soo much prep, produce, maintain.. how DO you find the time?? lol

  3. On 8/30/2020 at 12:06 AM, eduncan911 said:

    Actually, here ya go.  Attached are all three profiles I have already pulled from their Dremel Slicer from about a month or so ago (3D20, 3D40, 3D45). I just upgraded to 4.7 and they continue to work fine.  (Had to zip them as this forum didn't allow me to upload json files)


    You'll want to place them in your Cura's install directory, under the "resources/definitions" folder.


    Windows: C:\Program Files\Dremel DigiLab 3D Slicer\resources\definitions

    Linux: ~/.local/shared/cura/4.7/definitions/


    Note: I don't use the attached 3D20 profile but instead I use Tim's Dremel 3D20 Cura plugin to generate g3drem file formats.  My 3D20's firmware crashes when loading gcode files (they are sending me a new mobo to replace it).  I think he may have started to support 3D45s as well: there's an open github issue somewhere.


    Tip: I have extensively calibrated an 3D20 and two 3D45s using several torture and calibration STL tests.  All 3 had a unique set of profile that were pretty far off from the Dremel attached profiles.  For example, on the 3D20 to get it to stop stringing, you must lower retraction down to 0.5mm @ 25mm/s.


    And yes, even the two 3D45s had two different profiles: one could only do anything under 265C, and was best at 10C lower than the others in PLA and PETG.  Then again, they had nearly 1500 hours of operation - each - and that is 1000 hours overdue from the required nozzle assembly change.  


    You can start with these, as i did for reference when I created custom profiles.  But to get rid of any artifacts, you'd want to calibrate your own.  They can print some really great models if dialed in.  I'm using them almost exclusively for PPE.


    Dremel3D20.def.zip 1.02 kB · 0 downloads Dremel3D40.def.zip 1015 B · 2 downloads Dremel3D45.def.zip 1.03 kB · 5 downloads

    The location to deposit the UNZIPPED definitions file is Windows 10 is: C > Program Files > Ultimaker Cura 4.7 > resources > definitions.
    Thank you sooo much for this! Dremels boxed software is unbelievably limited, and I'm a noob at this, so your pointers are well taken.
    Thank you kind sir!

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