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Everything posted by t3dm

  1. so it looks like it has something to with the cura wndows opening on my second monitor. if i change the windows parameters in the cfg file then t opens correctly. is there a way too put a command in the cfg file that override the starting windows position?
  2. Hello all, it seems i have a weird issue hen starting Cura. it does all the checks and opens the windows, but it stays white and it hangs. tried to unistall, remove the folder, rebooted and reinstalled. it started and arrived at the printer configuration. it hanged and i had to terminate it again from that point on nothing again. i updated my drivers, tried to run it in compatibility mode but nothing same results. checked the event viewer and i get this data: Problem Event Name: AppHangB1 Application Name: Cura.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5f2c0247 Hang Signature: 3d1a Hang Type: 134217728 OS Version: 10.0.18363. Locale ID: 2057 Additional Hang Signature 1: 3d1a3955c964841e0a6db14fc7a89f6f Additional Hang Signature 2: b6b6 Additional Hang Signature 3: b6b624192fb64ce979c312febff456bc Additional Hang Signature 4: 3d1a Additional Hang Signature 5: 3d1a3955c964841e0a6db14fc7a89f6f Additional Hang Signature 6: b6b6 Additional Hang Signature 7: b6b624192fb64ce979c312febff456bc Extra information about the problem Bucket ID: ddc35cb8901d3e440747476a0af39ff7 (1677387906994642935) google does not return any info about it. any idea?
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