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Posts posted by endre

  1. Hi,


    If I understand well you have provided the steps what I don't intend to do 🙂



    - I have a printing profile e.g. "PLA profile 1", that is my active profile.

    - I make changes.

    - I want to save my current settings off "PLA profile 1" to a new "PLA profile 2" and keep "PLA profile 1" intact.


    I think it is a very common use case and I don't understand why isn't it supported.


  2. Hi,


    I often have problem with gaps on the top surface. One of my workaround  is ironing. But ironing is very sensitive and very slow and usually causes other problems.


    I like that it is possible to set separately the "Top Surface Line Width" and "Top Surface Skin Pattern". But would it be also possible to print the top surface over shells/walls too?

    Like the ironing, which also prints over the walls, dense top surface could do a similar thing.


    Please take a look at the below image, there are walls with tiny gaps, these areas are quite small to be touched by the top surface fill. But if the top surface could replace the top inner walls, these gaps would be hidden.



  3. Hi,


    Thanks for creating this cool software and making it available for me!


    I'd like share some of my thoughts about gap filling.




    So as I see, where the gap width is higher than the extrusion width, the gap is filled with thin lines. My experience (and I may be wrong here), that this kind of filling can results "Z bumps" on the layer. Later, the moving hot-end can crash into these bumps and cause layer detachments.


    Would it be possible to fill these kind of gaps, with normal extrusion width and width high frequency and low amplitude sinus wave pattern? Or triangle wave pattern? That could be easier to implement.

  4. Imagine, that there is some tension inside the extruder, and the filament starts leaking as the the temperature goes up.

    For example at the end of the auto bed leveling, the extruder moves to the 1st point of the Brim, passing over the layers of the printable. The leaking filament damages the 1st layer.


    Now I realize that it is even not solved by a Skirt., hops...  Maybe I need to add some start up G code to move sideways to the 0,0 and draw a side line there (I have seen it in an other slicers).


    Or maybe if there is some filament roll on the nozzle output like here:


    And the Brim is started with this preset. Than this dirt is put down at the side of the Brim and can badly affect the inner lines of the Brim.


    But the side line would also solve this too.

    Maybe the priming line here what I am looking for: https://3dprinting.stackexchange.com/a/6357


  5. Hi,


    I think Skirt + Brim together would be a nice option. Because at the beginning of the printing, messy filament could be flushed out of the extruder. Better to place this messy stuff far from the printable.


    Or is there an other Cura option to deal with this topic? With the initial extruder flush?

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