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Posts posted by PhoToplex

  1. 33 minutes ago, PhoToplex said:


    I think you might be onto something...


    In the def.json for my printer, it has this - think it's related?


            "machine_disallowed_areas": {
                "default_value": [
                  [[-117.5117.5], [-117.5108], [117.5108], [117.5117.5]],
                  [[-117.5-108], [-117.5-117.5], [117.5-117.5], [117.5-108]]


    You were right.  Ultimaker added these as a way to prevent newbies from damaging their nozzles by bashing into the clips.  However, I long ago removed the clips when I went to a PEI bed sheet.


    My thinking is I can remove the two rows entirely (top and bottom of the bed sheet) which should open the whole bed back up for printing...

  2. 11 minutes ago, gr5 said:

    Could it be related to some clips or things on your print bed?  There's a ".def.json" file that describes your printer somewhere.  The nicer json files have more information in them including intricate details or your print bed.  The file should be in a folder called "definitions".  somewhere.    Files look something like "anycubic_i3_mega.def.json" (example that will be in that folder).


    I think you might be onto something...


    In the def.json for my printer, it has this - think it's related?


            "machine_disallowed_areas": {
                "default_value": [
                  [[-117.5117.5], [-117.5108], [117.5108], [117.5117.5]],
                  [[-117.5-108], [-117.5-117.5], [117.5-117.5], [117.5-108]]
  3. Just now, gr5 said:

    So look at all the "horizontal expansion" parameters (search for them in the settings search box).  If you have any kind of support turned on then that could be the problem.  Do you have support enabled?  Your part doesn't seem to need it so turn it off.


    There is "initial horizontal expansion" and regular "horizontal expansion".



    All those are off already.  I'm going crazy here!  Been looking at this for a total of 6 hours

  4. Just now, gr5 said:

    set "travel avoid distance" to zero.
    disable brim and skirt both!

    details here:


    Already been through that article and set those.  No change.


    I only have Travel Avoid set, which is the darker 1mm band you see all around.  The 2mm band you see at the top refuses to go away, despite going through every single print setting one by one.

    03-03-2021 11-27-12 AM.jpg

  5. I am using Cura 4.8 with an Ender3 v2.  This printer has a max print area of 220x220.


    I created an object that prints at 215x215, so well within the bounds of the printer.  Yet, Cura refuses to slice it.


    I have:

    • Disabled bed adhesion options (skirt etc)
    • Double checked the printer settings in Cura (220x 220y 250z)
    • Removed the printers Start G-Code lines that print the first two lines along the y-axis on all prints


    Does anyone know why?  When I import this same object into PrusaSlicer it works.


    This seems like a bug.


    03-03-2021 12-06-52 AM.jpg

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