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Posts posted by chillipepper68

  1. Thanks for the clarification @gr5  I wanted to explore the options first before readjusting my hole sized in the CAD for 3d print purposes.


    It would still be nice in the future if Cura could allow for user selected hole modification for this setting.  In my use case as a hobbiest, I'm going to make the .stl files available to others.  If they could adjust to their printer/material in the slicer, that would be optimal.    Outside of the 90 degree corner scenario I'll add that the horizontal hole expansion feature is slick.


    Thanks again.

  2. Hi @ahoeben,  There is a simpler use case where the current horizontal hole expansion would be improved by allowing for selective polygons.   The attached picture is a hole in a hole scenario.  It is a subset of a larger model.  In my larger model, the larger hole secures the model to a pipe.  The smaller hole is for a screw to secure the model to the pipe. 


    If horizontal hole expansion is set to the model then a raised band occurs within the larger hole.  It is noteworthy the band is exactly the diameter of the smaller hole.  It would appear the slicing algorithm is challenged with this scenario.  The inner diameter of the larger hole is also increased by the horizontal hole expansion amount.  Both are undesirable results.  The desired outcome is for the inner diameter of the larger hole to stay at the specified diameter, and the smaller hole be expanded to truly accommodate an m4 screw.


    I've also tried the blocking feature in Cura using the 'modify settings with overlaps' with 'cutting mesh' approach.  It appears the horizontal hole expansion value is not honored.  To test I increased the value of the blocking feature to a larger horizontal hole expansion value and the resultant print showed no change in diameter.


    Are there other options?  A new feature to selectively configure which holes the setting is applied to, or not applied to would be very beneficial.




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