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Posts posted by Modlet

  1. I'm wondering why it's difficult to correct information for the retraction settings that prevent slicing with "unable to slice" error. I don't know how the incorrect values have been saved with presets, but clearly inappropriate values appear for these settings sometimes, which result in the following error:


    Unable to slice with the current settings. The following settings have errors: Retraction Prime Speed, Retraction Speed, Retraction Retract Speed


    The vexing issue is that the same error occasionally continues to appear after setting these values to something more reasonable by entering (for example):


    Retraction speed: 3.0

    Retraction Prime Speed: 3.0

    Retraction Retract Speed: 3.0


    I've been correcting the issue by replacing the configuration folder with a backup of one that allows slicing to work. The values for those settings appear as those I've listed above.


    Can you help me find a more reasonable way to remedy this problem than restoring the configuration folder from backup? Thanks.

  2. I don't dispute that. Even so, I think that offering a profile for a material without including diameter in its basic description is confusing for anyone, particularly when that characteristic determines whether the profile is compatible for various printers. That's true particularly for a material such as Ninjatek Armadillo, which is available in both diameters. You can only streamline the process so far without leaving too many caveats, especially when you invite potential customers to participate.

  3. I can't understand why the Marketplace would list 3.0 mm filament if it wasn't specified in the search. It doesn't seem logical to me not to make that distinction for the available filaments. It also seems obvious to me that most of the same filaments are available in a 1.75 variety, or the question wouldn't have been asked in the first place. And I would assume 3.0 is not that common for a cross section of the target market. Of course, I'm not selling printers or filament.

  4. I'm not grasping the method for storing preset settings in Cura. I thought I had made a duplicate of a material preset with my own modifications, but the only changes retained for the duplicate material were its name and brand. For example, I would like to save a speed setting with a material rather than with a profile. Is that possible? If not, what's a workaround? Make many profiles and describe what material presets have been used with each? Vise versa?

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