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Everything posted by berga

  1. Finally something is going nice: the short story: pulley and belt check and firmware Marlin 2.0 by Mr. foo bar the long one: I've bought the printer from kickstarter with optionals (heated bed, lcd and laser), the vendor told to update original firmware to use heated bed, after that all the trials to print the Rocket gcode weren't successful although the vase gcode were printing but badly. Now I ran out of the white spool and I printed the vase with the wooden filament (1kg with a bad spool holder):
  2. Thank you, my printer is Selpic Star A, as mr. FooBar one's. When I tried to tighten the pulley I noticed that some of the bed screws were too loose so I tightened them a bit. I decided to do so to fix the bad result (1st vase image) and because mr.foobar suggested to do so in a post. I really didn't know how much I should have tightened the pulley (the regulation appear under the bed) but it seems to be a bit looser than the X axis pulley, I'm going to check all and update the firmware to Marlin 2 that allow to change accel params without reboot, the current values I used are the default by vendor fw.
  3. which settings did you use for the ship? I'm still facing problems with the original vase gcode from sd, I tried to tighten the Y belt (1-2mm) but the drifting seems worse than before: any hint? Thank you
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