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  1. Jhawk6553's post in Random over extrusions and underextrusions on straight walls shown in Cura's preview mode. was marked as the answer   
    Solved. I figured out the issue. Somehow "Hole Horizontal Expansion" being set to 0.05mm was causing this issue... I think what was happening was the tangent points for the large arcs were being pushed out which affected the walls
  2. Jhawk6553's post in Ultimaker S5 Occasional over extrusion of layers after embossed letters. Anyone have any idea what causes this? was marked as the answer   
    The issue turned out to be my "Overhang wall speed" and "Overhang wall angle." I had them set to 50 degrees at 50% and the letters had small overhangs that the printer was adjusting the speed and therefore the flow. When I set those values to 90 degrees at 100% the flow changes went away.

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