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Posts posted by tim080

  1. The bed is indeed as level as I can get it.

    I have been playing with the Z offset as well, but to get it right, it seems that I have to adjust it during the print, otherwise the hot end will be either too close to the bed, or so far above it that the first layer won't stick. So the first layer has to be good, then I have to adjust the Z offset on the screen to correct the distance. Which makes a very difficult print each time.

  2. Hi all,


    I am currently using Cura version 5.6.0 and an Ender 5 Plus printer with BondTech DDX direct drive and Micro swiss hotend. 


    Attached to this post you can find the problem I am experiencing at the moment.


    The first series of layers seem to be pressed together, resulting in a very rough print. After some 6-8 layers, this normalizes and the print will mostly continue as expected. What settings could be at the basis of this problem and how can I solve this? 


    - It could be something with the Z steps, but why does it normalizes after several layers?

    - The amount of layers showing the issue is different from the amount of bottom layers.

    - It happens with basically all my filaments, both PLA and PETG.

    - travel retraction distance is set to 1mm.


    In addition, as some might notice, the start and/or end of the outer wall are not always properly filled. I am not sure on the direction in this print, but it seems to start either too late or with a blob, or ends the line ending with a blob or too soon, resulting in missing filament.


    Who can help me fix this?

    Many thanks in advance!




  3. Well, 


    The actual official manual of the WitBox uses Cura to update the firmware. As far as I know, the firmware has been included within Cura (Marlin) and we used this method before. 
    (https://www.gebruikershandleiding.com/BQ-Witbox/preview-handleiding-682987.html#pf2a , page 42 shows the procedure as followed (except for a few alterations in buttons due to newer version of Cura). 


    Unfortunately, BQ no longer exists as a company. 

    I can't seem to find the proper .HEX file just yet, but I will give it another try as I am currently working the night shifts. 

    Thank you for your replies!


  4. Hi Guys,


    At work, we have an old WitBox printer (BQ), which used to work perfectly fine.

    However, a coleague of mine tried to do a firmware update within Cura. At first, the program would not find the printer, while Windows did notice it being connected. 

    When he changed the cable, the printer was found be Cura and he started the firmware update protocol. Halfway through the process, Cura stated that the connection with the printer was interrupted somehow and the process could not continue. Since that moment, the printer won't properly boot up and the display on the printer only shows white blocks on line 1 and 3. The wheel/button does not make a sound when pressed. 

    Trying to find the printer within Cura does not result in succes, even after changing the USB cables, removing the device from Windows 10 (device manager) and updating drivers.

    Using the latest version of Cura (4.9.1). Does anyone know how I can reset the printer/fix the firmware/manually approach the printer to fix the issue (ABD or similar)?



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