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Posts posted by dawsonwebuk

  1. I'm getting exactly the same. Printing is generally great but when it gets over a couple of inches it starts to catch the infill whilst it travels. I have Ironing - Not in skin turned on so suppose my Z retraction isn't working either. Just worried it knocks the print off one of these days, and on a 4 day print that's not good.


    @gr5 you state "combing is a feature to speed up printing". I don't get that. Combing keeps the motion inside the print boundary, meaning it doesn't travel the shortest path meaning that it will slow down printing. Furthermore, because it doesn't leave the skin at a tangent it makes for a higher quality finish, not lower.


    Presumably I can get rid of the top surface contact by taking off ironing which will in turn enable Z-hop? But i'm more likely to get surface bobbling?



    Cura Combing Mode - Lukas Pomykal (lpomykal.cz)


    I'm up for any great ideas to reduce this behaviour but maintain quality.

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