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Posts posted by ANCAME_UMS5

  1. Hi Mrender,


    Thanks for your reply and suggestions. I will check that definitely. For now, I have disabled flow sensor and both printer cores are printing fine so far. I have ordered a new flow sensor and new fan which will be replaced and test again.

    With regards to the groove, is it possible to share any photos of the groove you are referring to ?

  2. Hi Guys, I am new to this forum and would like to post an issue that i have been experiencing.


    Please see attached photos of the error message. This happened a few times under difference circumstances.

    1. When we changed to a new spool of material and the material extruded fine after loading the material. After that, this error occurs when the print actually started. The printed was aborted and restarted multiple times without success.
    2. Sometimes this error occurs during printing. The printer thinks that the current spool is empty but it is not. Not sure why
    3. Extruder 1 has got a brand new AA 0.4MM print core, thus there is nothing wrong there


    Originally I thought the feeder has mechanical issues, and then I pulled apart the feeder 1 and check against the feed 2 and everything seems to be in good order. Recently I have come crossed an article about the FLOW SENSOR. Therefore, I had done a test to DISABLE to flow sensor


    As a result of this test, the extruder 1 printed fine with one small (6 hours) and large print (17 hours). So I was wondering if the FLOW SENSOR was faulty or sth, but it did not give me the usual flow sensor faulty error code.

    Please help if you have experienced similar issues and advise a possible fix for it. Much appreciated for your input. Thank you.


  3. Hi Guys, I am new to Ultimaker community and I have been trying to add cloud printer from home and it was not successful. I believe I am having the same issue.


    I have created Ultimaker account and I am able to login in from the Ultimaker website but I could not login in from Cura 4.10.0 version. Have you resolved your issue? Please share if you have any hints.


    The error message is attached for your reference.

    Cloud Sign In Account Error.PNG

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