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Posts posted by duckandflea

  1. Is there a reason this isn't in the marketplace yet? Couldn't find it when searching but thankfully found this thread with the github link. Install was very easy, just dumped the unpacked zip into the plugins folder!


    How do I change what each axis does though? Changing options in the 3D connexion pop up doesn't seem to do anything and I can't see what to change in the json file.

    I want to set up/down as zoom, and also the rotation/tilt options. 


    Any pointers?

  2. I didn't realise how long this thread was when I started from the start! But just wanted to add my support for this. I have been using a spacemouse for over 10 years now and so whenever I used a new bit of software with a 3D environment I instinctually move my 3D mouse and then clunkily use whatever mouse combo is there. so proper integration would be great. I came here looking for a plug in though so I will give Rawmouse a go. But I wanted to respond to some of the earlier comments!

    On 1/10/2014 at 1:25 PM, IRobertI said:

    When I rotate around a model with my mouse there's a (close to) 1:1 response and when I let go the model stops. With the space mouse it all feels so "floaty" and it drives me crazy.


    Generally when I get a laggy response it's either not installed right or needs a restart, most of the time it's more precise than the mouse since you have analogue control and can move a model quick or slow depending on how much you move the 3D mouse. If there's anyone yet to try one of these, it's hard to go back once you have! I always switch the zoom to up and down though as that feels more intuitive for me.

    On 1/19/2015 at 6:35 AM, eldrick said:

    It's kind of hard to see any noticeable added value in rotating the build platform in Cura with a device that very few people will ever have. How often would you ever want to do that, and why, and what's wrong with using the existing support that would warrant bothering with this?

    As a significant software investment to support the eleven people in the world who might ever use it once or twice, that would be a really poor use of scarce development time. Zero additional software or hardware would ever bring revenue to Ultimaker as a result of having such support, so there is no reason at all to spend any time on this.

    Just my opinion, as a software market development manager...


    This one just amused me, 6 years ago talking like this was a new device when it had already been about for 10+ years. A bit reductionist to think only 11 people have them! Their very common in engineering and other professions. Yes, still not everyone uses them but a lot of people do. Definitely more than 11.



    On 1/23/2015 at 2:08 AM, eldrick said:

    I assert that 3D mice are never going to become popular unless and until they at the least provide some haptic, i.e. touch, feedback.

    Current devices are like waving your hand around in the air with only your eyes telling you where the "cursor" might be, and on a flat display, no real feedback about where it is located, so precision suffers greatly vs. a mouse or trackball.


    Further, having no support for the hand and wrist, they will be about as popular as large touchscreens, i.e. not very, because it is far more fatiguing to hold the arm up in the air unsupported than to have a desk on which to rest the forearm.

    Sorry folks, but it will be a long time coming for this technology, and market projections agree.


    Again, I just found this comment bizarre! 😂 They've literally been around for decades - if no one used them, they wouldn't have brought out wireless models or updated versions!

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