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Posts posted by Hibino

  1. I started using Arachne Engine today and trying different settings with the XYZ cube. I found in few layers that Arachne Engine will place seam at some special place ignoring the "Z Seam Alignment" which is set to "User Specified" with both X and Y to 255. As the following image there are 3 spot with 2 layer each spot placed at different corner on the cube(Cura 4.12.1 will always have the seam line up at the same place)



    I am fine with the seam does not line up but it seems it also printed the whole layer slightly mis-aligned with other layers across the whole 4 surface on the cube as following image



    Anyone know why the this happens? Or how to make the surface flat even layer start point is different? Thank you


  2. I am not sure if this is a bug or something I did wrong. After install the Arachne Engine, it loaded all my old profiles from Cura 4.12.1, but I can't save any changes to these profiles or rename profiles.


    For example, I made some random change to one of the profile, and select "Update profile with current settings/overrides", then switch to a different profile then switch back, the profile will revert back to original status without all the random changes I made. In "Manage Profiles (Ctrl + J)", I click the "Rename" button, enter a new name, then hit "OK" button, the profile list will do a refresh but nothing changed.

  3. 2 hours ago, nallath said:

    More reliable than the previous two releases of the Arachne engine. But since it's such a massive change, I expect that there will be issues that we haven't found yet. That's also why we release so many beta's for the rework; We need people to stress test it. I understand that people might be a bit wary of using a beta release, but it's a bit of a catch 22; It only gets to stable if we have enough people testing it.

    That being said, even though it does have some cases where it produces somewhat suboptimal results, in most cases it will be at least in the ballpark of what the current engine does. In quite a few cases it's better. I've heard from multiple people that they have completely switched over, even though it's still in beta.

    Thank you, I'll switch to it from now and will report bugs if I found any.

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  4. 11 hours ago, nallath said:

    You might want to try Cura Arachne. It's much better at slicing features like that.

    Yes, I installed the Arachne Engine and it loaded my 12.1 profile and sliced it correctly, even without the "Print Thin Walls" on it still sliced all the walls. How reliable is the Arachne Engine? Since it is still says "Beta" so I have ignored it for quite a while now, but I guess this will be a big reason switching to it.


    9 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    BTW:  I loaded that model into MS 3D Builder (to check for errors - none found) and it opened at 10X the size it is when opened in Cura.  That was odd.  I understand it shows in Cura as you wanted I'm curious if it was designed in centimeters and Cura is assuming millimeters?

    Yes, when opening in MS 3D Builder, before hit the "Import Model" button on the right the "File's units" should be "mm", but it is default to "cm" in 3D builder, not sure why this happens.


    8 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    Turn off "Print Thin Walls" and set the Line Width to .399 or set Horizontal Expansion to .001 and it should be good.

    Thank you, this solved the problem to keep wall line straight. I guess when this happens again I will need to find way to trick Cura think "Thin Wall" is a normal wall and avoid the "Print Thin Walls" setting.



    6 hours ago, WisseEngineering said:

    This uses the option: " Spiralize Outer Contour".


    This way cura changes a box to a vase by only printing the outer wall in a continous line.

    I've tried this setting but since the wall is so thin in the model, even the "Spiralize Outer Contour" won't slice the wall without "Print Thin Walls" is on, and if "Print Thin Walls" is on, the wall is not in a straight line.



  5. Hi guys, I am using Cura 4.12.1 and trying to print few very small boxes in different sizes. Since the box wall is very thin in the STL model so I enabled "Print Thin Walls" in Cura and was hoping to have a 1 0.4mm wall for all the boxes. But after slicing into GCode I found all the thin walls are not in a straight line(as attached image, I tried use a different slicing software to make sure it is not model's problem).


    I tried change a lots settings but none acturally affects the thin wall, does anyone knows which setting in Cura can have the thin wall print as exactly as the model? Thank you.

    thin wall cura.png

    thin wall ideamaker.png


  6. After few prints I got a very interesting result.

    The defects is not height related and always will be on the same spot so I can move the model down below the bed in Cura to only print where it happens.


    The top 4 is still sliced with Cura 4.12.1 with different model size/print speed/acceleration, even at 20mm/s speed the defects always be there.


    The last one is sliced with the Beta Cura Arachne which I saw on this forum. I installed it and it loads up all my current Cura 4.12.1 profile and settings, I didn't change any setting just used it to slice the model(resized model height to 70mm), and printed the section where defects happens, it came out like PrusaSlicer and Ideamaker with no defects on the outer wall. I feel there must be something weird with my Cura 4.12.1


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    • Confused 1
  7. Thanks GregValiant.


    I checked all 3 GCode files they do have M204 S1200 at begining of file(except IdeaMaker which have M204 S2500 after every layer finish moves to layer start point and M204 S1200 again, guess the setting in IdeaMaker have travel acceleration set to 2500).

    There is no M205 since Jerk control is not ticked in slicer settings and the firmware I have is using junction deviation(set to 0.07). 

    Only PrusaSlicer's GCode has M201 X3000 Y2000 Z60 E10000 at begining of the file, there is no M201 in other two slicer's Gcode file.


    1200 is the default acceleration of Vyper and 500 is the default acceleration of Ender 3(acceleration control is disabled on Ender 3 profile)


    I thought it was extruder issue(uneven extrution) so I replaced the extruder on Vyper with the BMG extruter and a new nozzle but same defects happens at the same location, until I tried on Ender 3 having the same issue I starting believe it might not be hardware related.


    The print from PrusaSlicer does have some defects on the left where there is a L sharped corner, maybe it is running too fast around that corner.


    I am resizing the model to difference sizes and slicing with Cura see if it happens on a certain height at the moment, will take few days to test out again...

  8. Hello everyone, I am using Cura 4.12.1 and having some trouble with one of my prints and I've spend almost 2 weeks on it but just can't figure out what went wrong.


    All the prints are done with 60mm/s, Inner/Outer wall at 30mm/s, same temperature(200 nozzle, 60 bed)


    The defects always happen on the same spot even with different printer(Anycubic Vyper and Creality Ender3 Pro)



    After tried lots of calibration/firmware/turning the defects just won't go away. So I tried a different slicer with their default settings, it seems the defects does not show up in PrusaSlicer or IdeaMaker(Although they have other problems since I haven't got much time to change their settings yet)



    I looked into the GCode preview where the defects happens, but can't find any problem with it, they looked like straight line in the preview.



    Since PrusaSlicer and IdeaMaker does not having this issue, I guess this might be some setting I used in Cura causing this, it will be greatful if anyone can help me find the right setting. Thank you.


    I've attached the STL model "hueca cisne.zip" if it helps the diagnosis, I enlarged the model by increased the model Z axis to 70mm when slicing


    hueca cisne.zip


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