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Posts posted by Sicko666

  1. I know its definetly a software issue! As i tried Simplify3D an it detects, connects, and can stop prints half way through, from that i can guess its not windows 11, or a hardware usb, motherboard, issue, or Simplify3D wouldn't work either. FF seems to keep making a lot of changes to its printers lineup configurations without releasing specific model named maked drivers, hence there seems to be so much confusion on correct drivers. I understand its a new technology, but think it is definetly a software driver issue, hence a manufacturer written driver issue. I know Simplify3D has written its own drivers for the printer, hence they seem to be working, lol, i think Simplify3D should write the drivers for FF themselves ,lol rather than them using there own programmers to write unworking drivers lol!

    Got printer working, sort of, issue i am having now is Z levelling! I have a .25", or, 6mm glass base plate fitted. An all the software out there seems to have manual entry for X & Y adjusts, but the Z axis can only be done via gcode it says every where? In the basic gcode i found a X & Y setting, but again no Z entry? I am so afraid of messing something up mechanically, by tampering with the software entry's directly. I have searched around, but all the net talks about is installing phyton scripts, an changing  config files. No simple gui where you can just tell the machine the new base plate is 6mm high. Every thing i now print, either wraps itself around the nozzle in a lump, or grinds the nozzle into the glass. I just do not know what fiures i am suposed to enter where? Dont suppose you can tell me where exactly, (lol in plain english), an what figures i am supposed to enter, where, can you? Like i say i am now so afraid of breaking a motor or something else, i am reluctant to enter anything, anywhere, without someone who knows what they are actually  doing, says to go do it! Lol coward i know, but i cant afford to replace anything that might get broken!

    How do i adjust the Z axis?

    What figures do i enter? + or -

    How should the gcode look with a higher Z axis position?

    Lol where exactly, do i put this data as theres no Z axis in the bed levelling section in the gcode? Theres a nozzle Z position, but adjusting that would mess up print XYZ positioning wouldnt it?

    Tried Jogging base plate on the printer itself, but once printing starts it ignores where i jogged it into an starts grinding into the plate again!

    Aaagghhh!!!! If i still had hair i would have ripped it out by now lol!

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  2. On 11/26/2020 at 9:46 PM, Toylerrr said:

    I wrote the original version of the Creator Pro profile that Eugr based his off of (somewhat). 
    I also made an installer with winrarSFX

    I use mine because it doesn't use the confusing need to disable the other extruder to have a priming built into the start script. All you have to do is have skirt and cura will do the rest. 

    Here it is in use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbhV-MhUkcw&feature=emb_title

    Thank you so much to both of you! Since getting FlashForge Creator Pro its been a nightmare just getting anything to actually work with it! Seems the driver for it is not supported at all, even in its own software! Every piece of software i have tried seems to see it, an it works if the file is transferred manually by sd card, so the machine an software work, but trying to get the thing to work via usb seems to never work! It must be terrible usb drivers an the fault at flashforge, or windows, end? Wish i never brought the thing! 

    Anyway, just thought i would say thank you, as theres no support what so ever at flashforge. An this is the first time i have found anyone, anywhere, that has shared possible solutions, an their own, working, work arounds to something that should have been resolved by the manufacturer years ago! Thank you AliRassi, and Toylerrr!!! 🙂

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