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Posts posted by broty

  1. hello Greg

    good advice. usually, I open all parameters and make screen copy then paste it a word document with 2 columns so I can compare exactly.

    In windows there is a nice function: press at the same time "windosw" "shift" "s" this bring you an easy screen grab sizable with the mouse . 🙂


    Thanks so much for your help.



    Another question if I still may ?


    in the pictures below, at the corners there is some extra quantity of material when printing.

    I tried to modify some parameters to reduce that, but then I have holes just after that place.


    Any idea or suggestion?


    thank you so much.




    by the way what kind of motor cycle is in your profile? the motor looks like a "honda golden 4" but the rest of the bike looks like something different . Beautiful to say the least 🙂 

    Which country are you in? I'm in Belgium.

  2. hello Greg

    I made it. Now I have to analyse what you changed to get this good result.

    thanks also for the good advice about the imported profiles.


    Will check and print to see the benefit.


    thanks again,


  3. Hello Greg and again thank you for your time

    so you are also doing RC planes? Monokote is not a name known everywhere 🙂


    May I ask again? what should I do with the 3MF file? does it also contain the parameters or should I use mines?

    What I see is looking the same with the seam at the back right. So only around the hole level (15 to 


    What sould I do to see your model without slicing, just to compare the result? "open as project" or "import model"?


    Also,depending on completely unrelated parameters the deposit is done once in clockwise direction, and  if I change some completely unrelated parameter it pass into counter clockwise direction. Also it change printing direction around the back hole. Having always the same printing direction is important to have the same "fault" (excess or missing filament) on the same place (same as the  z seam)



    Thanks again

  4. hello, thank you for your effort.

    Yes I knew there are 9 pieces but looking how the parts are printed it does not matter for the outside wall.

    so with mesh tools I removed all what I can (no more inside ribs and no more support around the back round hole


    With the back left seam here is what I get



    And with the right back seam it is here



    So, still no real change to the previous version with the 9 separate parts.

    Attached the 3mf file


    Again thank you so much for your time







  5. hello,

    and another "strange" behaviour




    As you can see in this screen copy, there are plenty of "travels" while the summary says 00.00 min and 0.0%


    I'm less confident with this 4.13.1 version of cura. And Arachne is even worst (but it is a Beta), making "extra walls" when not even showing them.


    What is supposed to be a reliable version??? or should I go to Prusia? 😞  Then I'll have to learn the philosofy of it and I'm not ready to do so. Mabe one of my parameters are not OK for Cura (or my printer is not ready for Cura - it is a Magma 350 direct drive, with micro swiss head) unhappily the maker of it goes bankrupt last fall, so no more support there.


    Thanks again for your help





  6. hello, thanks for your help.

    on my side, trying with Z seam "none" gives this result.




    when opening your file , this is the result on my PC after slicing.

    aside is the Z seam parameter used to slice and you can see that the seam is showing the same problem at the level of the hole




    Thank you so much for your time

    what sould I do to see your model without slicing, just to compare the result? "open as project" or "import model"?


    Regards, Chris

  7. hello, thank you for the help and clarifications.

    very strange behaviour any way, if we need to to select "none" (z seam position) to get it on the same place. 😞

    I'l try that anyway to see the result.

    Will let you know more and come with the next level of questions.


    Thanks again


  8. hello, thanks already for this help.

    the arc welder (G2/G3) was just another try, but it does not change anything. I'll prepare and load the file without arc welder "ON". I'll also attach the STL file I want to print.

    I will also screen copy the Cura preview to show that the origin of a layer is sometimes anywhere.

    This is with "back right" position of the Z seeam



    and here with the back left



    now it also make some strange behaviour at the top part




    WINGTEST_profile3.3mf L wing test.curaprofile WINGTEST_profile3.stl

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