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Posts posted by zwirni

  1. Great, thanks a lot!


    I added some oil and down-regulated printing speed as you described and it worked now indeed. I cannot say which of the two measures was the main contributor but the result looks just as I hoped it would.


    Just out of curiosity: Did you also make it work for even softer materials, or is this as good as it gets? If I see it correctly Ninjaflex and Arnitel have around the same hardness (85 A/34 D).

  2. Dear all,


    I've been trying to print with DSM Arnitel 2045 on my UM3E however I've not had any success. I'm using dual extrusion with the other material being PLA. After a couple of layers the Arnitel under-extrudes because the material which is pretty soft (Shore hardness D34) is coiling and being ground in the feeder. Has anyone of you had success printing it, and if so, do you have any recommendations regarding the settings?


    Stuff that I've tried:

    • Using the material profile from the Ultimaker marketplace as-is
    • Using the material profile from the Ultimaker marketplace and changing some of the options, e.g. reducing the print speed from 25 mm/s to 20 mm/s, switching off retraction, or changing temperatures
    • Printing a test cube just with Arnitel, i.e. without dual extrusion (no success either)
    • Drying the material for 12h at 55°C before printing


    Thank you in advance for any help.


    Best wishes


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