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Posts posted by Baptiste68700

  1. [translated to english by gr5 - this part of the forum is for english only]



    I allow myself to ask a question on the forum because I have been stuck for a while for the realization of a part in 2 different colors.

    Let me explain :

    I want to print in one piece the attached plate "Bi-material 3 SolidWorks" which is an assembly of two black + orange parts (parts file)

    Both plates have the same origin.

    But when I merge in Cura, the plates overlap.... see attachment "Cura reality merging"

    While I would like this result, see attachment "Cura expected result merging"

    Could you help me ?

    If what I want to achieve is doable, that will greatly help me!

    Thanks in advance




    Bi-matière 3 SolidWorks.PNG

    Cura réalité fusionnage.PNG

    Cura résultat attendu fusionnage.PNG

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