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  • 3D printer
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  1. interesting! thanks for the replies guys! so the end result is just adding to my printers end gcode. G91 ; Set relative G1 Z10 E-86 F2400 ; Retract 89mm (and move nozzle up 1 cm) as far as i know (by looking at the generated gcode) the slicer doesn't sqitch tools after it finished printing, the extruder being controlled therefore is the primed extruder, no mather wich of the two it ended with. i am going to test it this evening, see what it does 🙂 one thing i did notice, on the first tool change (first T1) the nozzle doesn't go to the prime tower to prime it, it just starts printing the skirt right away... normally thats no problem, except that i am purging fillament at that point... and so it blobs XD
  2. Hey all, i am running Cura as my slicer, i love it, especially since it has support for 2 extruders 1 nozzle/heater. with the print allowing for a prime tower, and setting retraction when "switching" and also the initial setup of the fillament. i prefer with both fillaments fully retracted, and it creates gcode for when it needs to push a fillament in and stuf, all works great... the only thing i am missing, is setting the fillaments back to the original settings at the end. for my dual extruder, i start out with both fillaments 90mm retracted, wich it handles fine. however, i would like it that when the print is finished, it will pull the active fillament back to 90mm out again, right now it doesn't do that, and i have to send G92 E0 and G0 E-86 (because it pulls the fillament 4 mm out in the end to prevent drip) is there a way to set the slicer to do that? i'd do it with "end" gcode, but it would be way neater if it were possible within the settings
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