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Posts posted by Badgersurfer

  1. 33 minutes ago, 43915 said:

    Try pressing the little "Fx" symbol next to the Wall line count. You should then be able to change the Wall thickness. I think that if you type a numeric value into the Wall line count setting it will override the Wall thickness. As far as I know the Wall line count is a calculation of the Wall thickness and it changes automatically when you change the Wall thickness. 

    Yep thanks for that. I have used this so many times and never had an issue. In fact you have to click the fx symbol on the Wall Thickness + Wall line count before it allows you to input. Then as you say when you change the wall thickness it automatically adjusts the wall line count. Weird how I never experienced this before. They need to fix this as it is not logical...

  2. Weird all of a sudden I seem to have lost the ability to set my wall thickness. I cannot see why as it is a simple block bored our inside.

    Infill is 50% and I have tried with only 10% but still the same problem. The wall thickness is greyed out.

    Any ideas?


  3. Up until now I have had no issues with 5.3, but whether it was caused by a plugin update which is the only thing that has recently updated I have no idea.

    Checked my file integrity and no issues. Uninstalled and reinstalled it. It work first time and and then failed to load. I then realised that it would more likely load from the Win11 App link direct but not from a taskbar link... (did before) then another time it failed and I start 5.2 no problems, then ran 5.3 ok.

    I have an Acer Predator Triton 500 I7 2GB NVME and 16gb RAM Win 11 Pro Nvidia RTX 2060...

    Seems it will always start 5.3 if I start 5.2.1 first.

    I think it may be an issue with the GPU...

    Anyone had similar issues?

  4. On 10/18/2022 at 3:43 PM, MariMakes said:

    We just released Cura 5.2 as our next Stable version. 
    Thanks for all the feedback! 💙


    You can download the stable release (with fixes for the Monotonic, and some support issues) here:

    Yep it fixed the problem 5.1 Beta had not being able to upload 'ufp' files to the Creality Sonic Pad. Now it is perfect. Well done... 

  5. On 10/12/2022 at 5:13 PM, ShopGeezer said:

    It seems strange to me to offer a feature in your software package and then not support it. Perhaps this is the quirky world of open source software. I have looked at the Creality Wi-Fi box but it does everything via the cloud. There is a help file that shows how to upload a G-code file from Cura to the Creality Cloud using the Creality Cloud plugin but that involves a lot of uploading and downloading and doesn't seem be listed in Cura 5.1.  It is there in my older Cura 4.13.1.  Which leaves Octoprint as the only viable alternative. With Raspberry pi prices through the roof, even it you can get one, and all the hassles I have read about on forums in trying to get Octoprint to work I am not keen on going that route. Guess it is time to make the old Creality a door stop and buy a resin printer. 

    Get yourself a Creality Sonic Pad, you definately won't look back... awesome piece of kit...

  6. On 10/12/2022 at 4:35 PM, GregValiant said:

    UltiMaker does most of the maintenance of Cura with a paid staff.  Since their printers don't use USB printing it would be a waste of resources for them to have their employees fix USB printing so I can use it on my Creality printer.  There's just no upside for UltiMaker in working on "USB printing".


    Since Cura is open source anyone can work on it.  I've done a fair amount of work with serial communication over the years and even if I knew the python language enough to do it...I wouldn't take it on.  Foremost among a lot of reasons is all the different hardware combinations out there on both the printer and computer ends.  It would be like a black hole just sucking up time and effort.  From what I've read, very little has been done with the Cura USB printing plugin in the last 5 years.

    The folks who use Octoprint and a Rasp PI seem real happy with the setup.  I'm an SD card guy myself but if I was going to go a different direction, Octoprint would be it.


    The USB printing plugin is installed and active by default in all Cura versions through 5.2beta.  If it works, it works.  If it doesn't then there are other options using Octoprint or maybe investing in a Wifi setup.





    Makes a lot of sense what you say. I have a Creality Ender S1 Pro and just added the new Creality Sonic Pad and I have to say it is awesome. Initially when I upgraded to Cura 5.1Beta Moonraker didn't work with 'ufp' files but when I installed the 5.2 release version I noticed it also updated the Moonraker plugin and now everything works fine. I have it connected to ethernet and it has transformed the ease of use. No more SD cards I can even print remotely.  

  7. I am pretty adept at Cura but I am struggling to work out if there is a way of blocking the Brim mesh. I generally create my own supports and blockers in Fusion360 then import them into Cura and use permodel tools to create my meshes. In the case of my picture here I want to create some 40mm feet that have a matrix of small feet with 2x2mm channels between them. I don't want a raft because of the amount of time and material but I do need a Brim for adhesion. I have tried tabs and converted them to Permodel>Normal model but I don't like them. So the problem I have is that when I add a Brim (as you can see in my picture) it fills all the channels in with Brim as well which makes it a faff to get out. So I made a blocker mesh with a 40x3mm disk and set it in so that it is level with the bed but it deosn't block the Brim thus leaving the small feet and channels clear.  I have the Brim set to the outside only but it still infills the channels.  It appears a Brim doesn't have the same atttributes as a support. Any ideas how I might overcome this problem?




  8. I cannot seem to get Moonraker to upload ufp files to my new Creality Sonic Pad enabling me to activate thumbnails. I have set everything up correctly (it works fine with post "Create Thumnails" script using gcode) but when I select ufp it comes up with this error... I have seen a similat thread but not conclusive. Is this likely to be a Cura 5.2 Beat bug as some other users say it is fine with their cura 5.1. Anyone know of a workaround?




  9. 1 hour ago, GregValiant said:

    In that top view they look like they might be set to "Print as Support".

    Select one and click on the "Per Model" settings button on the left toolbar.  Set them all to "Print as Part".  It's something like that (but my house is far away and I don't see so well anymore).


    Yep, well done thanks for that. In pre model I needed to select the first one "Mesh Normal mode"... Cura 5.2... sorted,

  10. I don't get what is wrong here. I am trying to put tabs on a pretty small build to stop it lifting off the build plate at the ends but when I add the tabs I get a mesh of a fews lines instead of compact lines like the brim feature. These are not adquate. The picture in the Tabs help file shows lines similar to a brim. Any ideas what I am missing please... image.thumb.png.cc440f6d92c9def980ae11db53407a2c.pngimage.thumb.png.b5f33f90c6ab16ca7429c6d7ceede63e.png

  11. 40 minutes ago, ahoeben said:

    @Badgersurfer this is just a hunch, but does the "Drop down model" option behave the same way if you (temporarily) change the model so that it is not printed as support?

    That's interesting. I created another file and imported two components and did the same without converting it to a support mesh and it worked perfectly dropping it to the build plate. I then converted one to a support mesh and it also dropped to the build plate. Any combination seemed to work ok. I have now realised that the problem is with the Custom support plug in. If you add a custom support "F" to the build plate and then go to the 'Move' function and move +/- Z then click the Drop Model it does nothing. So to conclude it is fine with imported and converted mesh supports but not ones created with the custom support plugin. I will keep my eyes peeled for any other anomolies. One other point with the Custom Support plugin is that I cannot see how you can alter the internal dia of the tube support only the extetrnal which sort of defeats the object. (unless I have missed something of course)

  12. image.thumb.png.92984b870608c7a00183f0f853a4e656.png





    Can you tell me what Drop Down Model does please. I assumed it should drop the selected model to the build plate but when I tick it nothing seems to change. I cannot seem to find out anything in the help files either, is there a setting to turn on hints? I already have automatically drop models to build plate turned on, this particular one is one of my stock support models which I import and convert to a support mesh in per model. One other thing I noticed I don't know if you are aware is than when you import a mode and press CTRL-Z twice it moves it to 0,0,0 which is quite useful. The icing on the cake would be a tick box called "Zero Model" which would allow you to select a model and then zero it to the main component. Currently I click on the main component and note the zero coords i.e. 25,25,0 I then go to my support mesh(es) and click on move and enter the same coords. I may have up to 20 custom support meshes on a wide span so having to do this with each one is quite time consuming. It would be great advantage to have a method of selecting a model you want to move and then selecting a model on the layer list and it automatically zeros itself to that model. So in practice I could select 20 models and click the one on the layer list I want to zero i.e. 25,25,0 to and they all move to zero on that location... 

    Just to point out my methodogy I create my supports fusion360 with 2mm base and taper the height so I only get 1mm contact on the bridge. This makes it extremely easy to remove, nice clean surface, very little material and considerably less time to print. 


  13. On 9/15/2022 at 3:56 PM, MariMakes said:

    Hey @Badgersurfer,


    I see some value in this request. 
    I wouldn't know how to do it, so I'll have to ask the team. 

    Fingers crossed 🤞

    Well done. If you do maybe you can pass this idea to them as well. I use several different blocks for different processes and if one overlays the other it would be a great advantage to rename the default names you give them. 



  14. I use per model all the time for custom supports and settings custom infill density areas. I find it quite frustrating that every time I add a new custom support and then in permodel modify settings for overlaps>infill mesh only... I get a basic subset of infill settings but they never include the most used one being "infill density". Every time I add a new object I have to click the "Select Settings" button and tick the "Mesh Density" in the list to bring it into the selection list. Is there any way of setting mesh density so it always comes up in the default list?  



  15. 20 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    In the Experimental section see if you have "Wipe Nozzle Between Layers" enabled.

    Another setting that can give that behavior is in the Cooling section called "Lift Head".

    Yep thanks for that it was the "Lift Head" setting. I will see if it makes any difference to my print now... interestingly it halves my print time from 10mins to 5 mins...

  16. I have moved the workpiece to the center and the travel lines have moved accordingly . So it seems the nozzle is doing something that is aligned with the centerpoint on the X-axis. I thought maybe this may be to enable it to retract and extrude for the next layer? I have set retraction off and there is no difference. image.thumb.png.bb276a8508dc5ab3c0fd270bbe475536.png

  17. I have been doing a series of stringing tests on eSun Silk PLA and noticed that for some reasons the nozzle travel is going well outside the workpiece. I am confused by this as it obviously makes the job take considerably longer and also causes unnecessary stringing. Have I missed a setting here somewhere? image.thumb.png.5886de8e7385321d29e3af3dc83292ca.png

  18. I am using Cura 5.1 with a custom profile for a Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro. Every time I do a new project it prefixes my file name with CFFFP_ . Is there any way I can eliminate this as I have to edit it out every time I save my gcode file? It is really annoying...

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