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  1. Thank you for checking the gcode, that is greatly appreciated. I am now left scratching my head on what to try next. Out of interest what printer did you use? I'm currently running 2.0.9 of MarlinFW, I've just noticed there is a (minor patched version) so think I'll give that a try next and see what happens. This is so strange, because I was convinced it was the Cura software as it was the only thing changed.
  2. G Code Flavor set to Marlin already Compatible Material Diameter already set to 1.75mm (Which is the PLA I am using)
  3. Hi So I've upgrade from 4.10 to 4.13.1 and everything is still printing good, just V5 it the problem. I've added the gcode files from 4.13.1 and 5.1 and STL file. Also images of the cube printed using the 4.13.1 GCode looking ok, and the 5.1 GCode starts off ok and then ends badly. Other images of the model I wanted to printed using the 5.1 GCode, which does the raft ok and the first few layers but then goes wrong, so I stopped the print. The other image shows the model currently printing on 4.13.1 GCode and looking good, you can see the 20% fill ok, and the top part of the model filled. I have compared the setting in both versions of Cura and they look the same. I couldn't see a way of exporting the settings otherwise I would of uploaded them here as well. Could only see backing up to my Cura account, which I've done (in case a Cura Staff member wants to look) Cube-1x1x1_CuraV5.1.gcode Cube-1x1x1_CuraV4.13.1.gcode Cube-1x1x1.stl
  4. Hi I was using Cura 4.10 but upgrade last week to Cura 5.1. Since upgrading my prints start off ok but after so many layers up they go very weird. The raft is printed perfectly, but then it goes wrong after that. My printer is called a Gadget3D printer, which is version based on the Prusa MkIII. I've re-calibrated the X, Y, Z and extruder (TBH there was no change) The Printer is running Merlin 2.0.9 has been for ages now with no problems. I printed a 1x1x1cm cube with 2mm wall as a test and the attached image is a result. Tried printing it again with gcode previously made with version 4.10 and it printed perfectly. I now have both versions of the Cura installed and the printer settings are identical as are the material settings and the print settings. The preview on the slicing looks good to. The strange thing is the movement on the printing head in the X, Y and Z whilst printing matches that of the Cura Preview. But thats not what it extrudes. See the other image for something else I tried to print. The photo shows it removed from the raft (which printed fine) but the body has that weird repeatable pattern in it, when the fill should of been 20% hatching. Any ideas??? In the meantime I've gone back to 4.10.
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