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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2+ Connect

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  1. I don't know how many hours but I use it for production so I imagine it has quite a few. I will try that. Thanks!
  2. Hello! I have been having some issues with my prints lately. They are pretty choppy and nothing prints on the side furthest from me. The last time I printed something it got about 4 layers in and it said it was finished. I have attached the settings I currently have. I wasn't completely sure if someone had changed the nozzle size so I tried a .4 and a .6 and got the same thing every time. I was also thinking the filament was stuck and getting chewed up at either end but I checked it and it was fine. The build plate has also had some issues of not being completely level but its never been this bad, I also hanged the initial height up to 1mm to see if it would print a little more at the ack but it was the same. I am kind of new to this but I asked the other engineers and they are stumped as well. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! Thanks!
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