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Posts posted by Kyleen

  1. I also print cutters and know exactly what you are experiencing. It is the build plate you are using. I was using an Ender PTEG magnetic flexible build plate which has texture but you could still see the lines.  I now use ANYCubic magnetic flexible metal build plates and lower my z axis just a touch more so it really imbeds the first layer into the texture.  Doing so I do go through hot ends faster but I don't have any lifting off the build plate ever and I have this wonderful texture instead of lines.

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  2. @GregValiant I make cookie cutters as well as polymer clay cutters for jewelry. Im a pastry chef with a degree in graphic design but from back in the day before graphics was on a computer. I have only been printing for two months. I downloaded the Cura slicer that came with my Fokoos printer and realized that it was really outdated. I upgraded but having a hard time finding the cura tutorials since 5.2.1 is new.  I definitely like to learn ALL the features, so I am really appreciative of your help.  

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