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Posts posted by adetogni

  1. This is still valid in 2023. Cura still adds this retraction just after the purge line. If you have a brim you won't notice but if you print directly the piece, you will see a missing part. Is it a bug?

  2. Ouch, those floating "a" and "g" are very rookie mistakes, I didn't notice them! Thanks! Unfortunately this is the font they use for the logo, so I'll have probably to find a way around it (either I add a tiny "connector", like a stencil, for those suspended areas, or I just remove them)

    What I am saying are these "ragged" lines.



    It looks like the slicer decides to NOT follow a curve around the letters, but decides to go "back and forth" on those edges. Is this fine?


    Same for the eyes


    is it normal that draws this * instead of a circle, for the pupil?


    Maybe I'm overzealous...can't wait to arrive (should be around end of this week...or later).

    While we're here...I was actually thinking of printing the "base" of a colour and then the cat shape of another, and then glue it, so it will be nicer to the eye...but maybe I'm going too far from now. I'll need to start printing some cubes and little tests before adventuring in these special cases :-))


    Thanks for the suggestion on the ender setup. I'm quite good in manual tasks and I'll be very precise, I'll check the perpendicularity. This comes with autoleveling, so I'll do a manual leveling first (I've seen some youtube videos) and then autolevel

    thanks a lot!

  3. Hi @GregValiant thanks a lot for the quick response!

    I'm attaching the export (even if Cura generates a zip which I'm not allowed to attach here, so I added .3mf, hope it works).


    I don't understand why the pupils start at level 51, as far as I know, they're drawn in yellow so I understand that's the "top"? Shouldn't cura automatically fill those areas that are too shallow to have support?


    As I said I'm really new into this (but I am not a novice at all in computer science), so I did take a PDF from this logo, modified it a bit in Tinkercad and generated an STL. There might be a lot of tweaking to be done.


    But I actually scaled it down to 70mm width (about 50%) and those pupils are printed "fine". However if you look at the letters AND for example at the tip of the ear, I don't understand why it does not follow a single line, but decides to make an up-and-down pattern. Same with the eyes...why it's not printing a circle? Is that a matter of walls size?


    (I know that FDM is not fast 🙂 , it just that THOSE pattern in the walls looks very weird compared to the other "test slices" that I did - without actually print, of course)

    I've bought a Creality Ender 3 S1. Based on a lot of research seemed a very good start...not too basic not too expensive.


  4. Hi, I'm a novice in 3d printers, actually my first 3d printer is going to arrive next week. Meanwhile, I'm learning as much as possible, and playing with Cura in preparation. 
    Today I created a first 3d model in tinkercad, with some carved texts. 
    I am aware that maybe it is too much detailed for 3d printing BUT I don't understand why Cura decides to make the walls in the TEXT area in  this messy way (going back and forth instead of linear, therefore taking a HUGE amount of time for such a simple model). I am probably doing a very basic mistake.

    To make the text I created the SVG file in a differnt tool and imported into TinkerCad and then I did a carve (not sure if it's the right word 🙂 ).
    Any help?



    Copy of gatta ci cova (7).stl

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