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Posts posted by MBatWork

  1. On 12/6/2021 at 12:06 PM, BHC-EMS said:

    I was able to change the order in "buildplate adhesion extruder" and set it to extrude 2 instead of 1.

    Naamloze afbeelding.png

    Thx for that hint.
    I was searching for a solution to that aswell without switching materials / extruders.
    Seems you can even set "Build Plate Adhesion Type" to "None" after you chose the extruder you want to start with first.

  2. 2 hours ago, Smithy said:


    theoretically it should be possible the get somehow the error messages from the bus, but I don't know a possibility out of my head. I can take a look at it if I find something to fetch the current error.


    Just for interest, Digital Factory or Cura itself should also show the error message, is that not feasible to your workflow?

    Cura should show it?
    Then i'll probably just have to update my CURA-Version.
    My Version didn't show errors yet (or i didn't look right?).
    I just saw the printer was in preparing state, when i visited it after a while i saw it had a height calibration error. (Filament oozed out and there was a bump under the nozzle).
    In Digital Factory i didn't see the error aswell


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