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Posts posted by MarioLange1983

  1. 55 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    @MarioLange1983 if you scale your model up in the X and Y to about 150 x 150 I think you will get a better idea of what is going on.  Because it's a single model the infill from the lower cube is going up into the "A".  That results in a gap in the skin so the infill can keep going.

    You can try setting the "Skin Expand Distance" to a higher number so it closes the gap where the infill sneaks through.


    This answer makes things clear. I did not thought about the fact, that the infill also goes into the "A". I will test the "Skin Expand Distance" settings, for now the answer from @Cuq was working for me like i think it should!

  2. Hi!


    I have created a test cube with a letter on top in OpenScad. Normally the letter should start exactly after the last top layer of the cube at 5mm. But the letter starts as outlined letter around 4 layers too early (inside the top layers) and creates a nasty surface. 




    OpenScad Example #1

    color("red")translate([4,2,5])linear_extrude(height = 2)
            text("A", font="Arial", size=20);





    I have also tried to lift the letter 0.2mm (one layer higher), but this results in a bug?! 


    -> layer18 (next layer after last top layer of the cube, letter is full, BUT nothing happens on this layer)



    -> layer19 (now the letter starts)




    OpenScad Example #2

    color("red")translate([4,2,5.2])linear_extrude(height = 2)
            text("A", font="Arial", size=20);



    So iam not sure if this is a OpenScad problem, or a Cura Problem. Any suggestions here?

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