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Everything posted by arodgers

  1. Flashing firmware fixed it! Yay! New issue (of course) - I started printing a Benchy, and found that the printer was working fine in the X and Z direction now, but the Y seems to be having trouble. Does this look like a belt-tightening issue?
  2. Honestly not sure right now whether this is a hardware or software issue. I have an old UM2+ that is used by my high school students. This one has gone through the wars -- preCovid students thought it needed oil and oiled it so much that it fried the motherboard, among other things. So we have a new motherboard, with an old printer, at this point. The printer is screaming when trying to home. X and Y axes move fine; Z axis finds the lower bound without an issue but moves up and up and crashes into the nozzle while whining/shrieking. I haven't tested the length of time that it'll keep doing this (it seems bad for the printer!) but pushing down on the print bed or turning the printer off stops the noise and stops the printer from trying to continue to push up. On searching for Z-axis problems, it appears that the z-end-stop is at the base of the printer and actually functioning fine, and that there may be a software issue that the printer isn't sure of its upper bound. Printer was restored to factory default to try to fix this issue; does not seem to have helped. Students were supposed to flash updated firmware; I'm not sure whether they successfully did or not. Printer says that the current version is DEV (which implies to me that they were unsuccessful). I'd love some help to decide what to try next!
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