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Posts posted by Ditto

  1. 12 hours ago, rburema said:

    Sorry, but I doubt this is a software issue (though it can be influenced by software), as this print looks almost textbook like one of the axis' slipping. Though you could try printing slower, to see if it then doesn't trigger the behaviour.


    As for why the bolt is ok: It seems to have lots of small, round shapes, which won't cause the printer-head (or any other axis) to build up the speed necessary to slip.


    Lastly, Cura 4.0.0 is from the start of 2019, so over 4 years old at this point. You'd be better of with 5.2.2 or the shortly upcoming 5.3.1 -- if the profile is still compatible at least. Looks like we have that profile out-of-the box now. Not sure why the company still requests you'd use 4.0.

    Hello! Thank you so much for the advice!

    I am very surprised at your answer, I didnt know that the CZ-300 can use Cura 5.0+.... I'll try that out thanks!

  2. Hi guys, I am new to this forum and would like to seek your advice on a matter...

    Recently Ive owned and set up a CZ-300 printer from Crazy3DPrint. Once I have finished assembling it, I printed the bolt and nut file that came with their memory card, and it came out pretty fine [as can be seen in the image included, its a red colored bolt].

    After that I installed Cura 4.0 (which was the version I was recommended to download according to Googling), loaded up the CZ-300 printer profile so Cura can "recognize" it. and tried slicing and printing my own item, unfortunately it turned out wrong after 17 hours, as you can see in the images below, it seems that the print was drifting in the Z direction! You can see the "stepping" and "overhangs" I've circled in red. 

    I've checked for loose pulleys or loose fasteners on the bed, but it seemed fine. the Y and X axis has no issue either. Since the bolt print that came with the card turned out fine, I am strongly suspecting the issue to be software related.

    Did I install the wrong version of Cura for this operation? Or is the problem with the CZ-300 profile code?

    Please advice! Thank you so much!








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