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Posts posted by Genox

  1. Hello, here is a quick update to this post for future reference.

    I was able to get someone's attention towards this issue on github and the problem is now listed on backlog to be fixed.


    Here is the github thread on the issue.


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  2. Currently using Cura 5.3.0 and my issue is as follows. I have exited various windows by pressing escape in the past and have always had the confidence that nothing would be saved if I did so without pressing a save button. I've always seen the escape key as the red "X" in the corner of a window, just like my image shows. But in Cura, when you do that in this window, it proceeds by saving the changes and closing the window. I would normally open this window to see what changes have been made when importing 3mf files but I never knew I was also saving over my profiles everytime I did this. Is there a way we can suggest this to be changed permanently?


    Discard or keep.PNG

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