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Everything posted by awesomedog213

  1. I see. In that case I may just get a new printer but for now the M25 command works for me. Thanks for all your help.
  2. Thanks Greg! That seemed to work pretty well. It moved off to the set position and the LCD displayed, "Print Paused." However, I did have a little trouble un-pausing it. I went into the ender 3 menu to select, "Resume Print" but it just said, "Pause Print" instead. I went ahead and "paused" it (even though it was already paused) and then after that I could Resume Print. Not a huge problem but still a little inconvenient. Once the print was resumed the printhead went back to printing but right before that it squirted 25mm of extra filament onto the print. I assume this was because I had set a retraction of 25mm before the pause and it was extruding the filament back even though I had already pushed it through manually. The easiest way to fix this problem would be to just have no retraction. But I need it to retract... right? Other than that it worked great! Thanks!
  3. Hello! I have an Ender 3 Pro and I've been trying to get it to pause mid-print so I can change the filament and create multi-colored prints. I've watched many tutorials online describing how to do this in Cura, but I've had no success. Most of the tutorials online say either to use a Filament change post processing script or a Pause at height script. I've tried the Filament change script and my printer just simply ignores it and continues printing. I suspect my printer does not recognize the gcode used to create the pause. With the Pause at height script it does indeed stop printing and go to the set position, but about 10 seconds later it continues printing. I've set the Disarm Timeout parameter to it's max (1800) but it still doesn't wait for me. I have considered re-installing the firmware of my printer to better recognize these gcode commands, however I wish there was an easier way. I've attached my project file which includes a quick and easy print I was using for testing. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? project file.3mf
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