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  1. Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to optimize the direction the nozzle moves for cylindrical prints? I'm printing a cylinder with only a 0.8mm wall with a 0.4mm nozzle, and I would assume that Cura can just make the nozzle travel in two concentric circles without changing direction. For instance, making both with a counterclockwise path. This would reduce jerk and allow for a cleaner print with less visible start-stop seams, while keeping a speedy print. However, Cura reverses the direction of the nozzle when printing the inside of the cylinder vs the outside. I could try randomizing the start point of each layer to make the seam less visible and also turn on coasting and jerk control to take care of jerkiness when it reverses directions, but these both slow down the print. Cura already does skirts and brims like I want, but walls are different for some reason. Any suggestions? See attached Cura project file, and here's a video screen capture that illustrates what I am talking about: https://clipchamp.com/watch/1Blirf6fu28. cylinder test.stl TXXPRO2ED01P_cylinder test.3mf
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