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Everything posted by Ov3rDr1ve

  1. Alright, I´ll test it and let you know if it´s workig properly 🙂 And thanks a lot !!! 🙂
  2. Thank you very much for your help 🙂 It works for me aswell. The only thing i noticed is, that N1 starts at the comment Postprocessed... ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:73.3 ;MAXY:71.299 ;MAXZ:8 N1 ;POSTPROCESSED ;Generated with Cura_SteamAngine 5.4.0 N2 M140 S60 N3 M105 N4 M190 S60 I am not sure if this will be a problem or not, but i guess if there is no real command in the sentence then the program will jump to the next sentence. But thank you very much 🙂 PS: Is it also possible to delete all the comments ind the Code? Codesys sees the comments as error but still accepts the code. So that means that your Script is working 🙂
  3. Good evening, i am starting to build my own Delta-Bot Printer and also trying to programm it myself via Codesys. As i understood correctly, the Funktion Blocks from codesys needs the sentence number in the gcode to read it. For example : N1 G1 X100 Y100 Z1 N2 G1 X150 Y100 Z1 N3... etc. I havent found any options or plugins that will create also the sentence number in the gcode... Is there any plugin or option for that ?
  4. Guten Abend zusammen, ich wollte mal nachfragen ob es eine Einstellung oder ein Plugin gibt, der im GCode auch die N-Sätze mit einfügen kann. Wie z.B.: N10 G1 X10 Y10 N20 G1 X20 ...etc. Kurz Info: Ich versuche mir meine Steuerung selber zu programmieren mit codesy und um den gcode lesen zu können benötige ich die N-Sätze vor jedem G Befehl... Ich bedanke mich schonmal im voraus.
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