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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5

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  1. UPDATE: I got it!! just had to type "pip install requests" in cmd prompts, and then the full string command worked! quick rundown for anyone still struggling on windows: -download python -download ffmpeg -download timelapse.py -download ultimaker api (unsure if this is required, but just to be safe) -move python exe, ffmpeg exe, and timelapse.py to the same folder. (worked for me with just these files, I didn't have to move any extraneous folders or files) -open command prompt from the start menu -Navigate to the correct folder in command prompt by copying file path from the top bar in the file explorer, then type: cd <filepath> into CMD Prompt -type pip install requests to make sure python is up to date and ready Running the script post-install/setup: -Open cmd prompt -Navigate to folder by copying the file path and typing: cd <filepath> -Type command as follows: python timelapse.py HOST DELAY OUTFILE Replace HOST text with IP address of printer. Replace DELAY text with desired rate of capture, in seconds. 30 will take a photo every 30 seconds, etc. Replace OUTFILE text with the desired resulting video file name. e.g. timelapse.mp4. -It will wait for the printer to start, and tell you where it’s saving images to the local app folder. -It does take images while setting up print and heating up, and during any pauses in print. -The computer must stay on and running during entire duration of print, cura does not have to be running at all. -Once completed, the video will be saved in the same file location as the code. -If it’s not opening in QuickTime, media player, or any other basic players, open in VLC or Premiere and save out again.
  2. Hello! trying to run this, very new to python in general, but I think I've got it working. I'm trying to follow the instructions, but keep getting issues with the IP address. any ideas? running on windows 11, python 3.12, ultimaker s5
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