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Posts posted by willianma

  1. wow! thanks Slashee_the_Cow 

    I am surprised! that seems to require quite an advanced knowledge and long experience to understand these issues am I right? are you also a developer/contributor? seems to know a bit about the internals too..


    Have you considered making a course for selling and creating a youtube channel sharing those specific things that nobody in youtube talks about? I think this problem that I had with this STL is one of them because I couldn't find anything around addressing this issue. 


    and just to know what awaits me, how did you get to know so much about cura and 3d printing? I thought I was already in between advanced and expert levels, but this answer of yours really got me surprised!

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  2. why does Cura deforms and disfigures this specific STL?


    this is a vase that is 100mm tall and the minimum distance between those disfigured edges is 0.412mm (I'm using 0.4 nozzle).

    it prints fine with Bambu Labs P1P X1S but with any printer that uses CURA to slice it does present this deformations forcing me to change "Surface Mode" configuration on Special Modes from the print settings from Normal or Both to Surface.


    When I switch this setting mentioned above all lines align perfect without defacing the model. I believe it might even be a bug. 

    I have attached two image screenshots from the exact same position and angle, one is the defaced from the "Surface Mode" set to "Normal" and the other is perfect from the "Surface Mode" set to "Surface". I also wish there was an option that would merge both Normal + Surface without messing with the surface. The "Both" seems to be the exact same as selecting "Normal" maybe someone did forget to properly program this "Both" option and just called the "Normal" function when "Both" is selected. 


    by the way, to print this without lots of strings from retraction movements I had to set Minimum Wall Line Width from default 0.3825mm value to 0.25mm as shows the differences in the images colored yellow (by using color scheme: line width)




    any guesses on what could I do to fix it and be able to print it using "normal" as Surface Mode? I have already spent hours trying probably I'll be still trying while I wait for answers. I'll be sure to bring back the solution if I ever find it. 

    2024-02-17 (surface).png

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