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Everything posted by Duckyfresh

  1. Finally found the problem and fixed! It was the tension on the filament extruder gear. Apparently it was too high and perhaps squeeziing the filament too much that resulted in getting the filament kinked and ground against the gears. I'm not too sure why the problem would happen after printing for a while, maybe the heat gradually makes the filament softer as it travels up and makes it more pront to kink? In any case, I can now print with my original settings of 230C, no fan, 0.6/40 extraction, 0.24 layer height, 60% grid infill. Thanks again, @Slashee_the_Cow, for helping me diagnose the issue!
  2. Thanks again, I will try these settings to see if it will make a difference.
  3. I made some changed to the settings by reducing the speed even more, increasing the rectraction distance and lowering the jerk settings. It did improve somewhat and now it prints several layers of the infill, but the same problem came back after that. I would say about 20% into printing the infill, it grinds again and stops extruding. At this point, I'm thinking maybe it's the hardware issue (nozzle or extruder motor?). Anyway, I've attached the Cura file as you requested. Thanks! CE5_puck.3mf
  4. Thanks for the awesome reply! I already see some of the things that I can try on my end. I had a feeling that it's somehow related to retraction/acceleration and you've given me enough to test some settings. Hopefully I can report back with good news!
  5. I am printing a thick disc like a hockey puck in TPU using CURA 5.6.0. I had zero issues for a while then a problem suddenly started. It prints perfect bottom layers (8 layers top/bottom) and when it gets to the 9th layer, it also prints the outer wall perfectly (10 walls) then when it starts to print the infill (60%) the extruder starts making a ticking noise and the filament comes to a stop grinding the filament, no more extrusion happening. I tried the following to no avail in the course of 6 failed prints: Took out the extruder (Hemera DD), took it apart, inspected (no issues other than ground filament), cleaned (did this twice so far) Checked for blocked nozzle and did a couple of cold pulls (all perfect with a clean, coned shaped filament) Slowed the print down to 30mm/s, both walls and infill (previous successful prints used 30 wall/60 infill with 0 issue) Tried different retractions (originally set at 0.6mm and 40mm/s) Tried two different brand TPU, all fresh out the box (Creality and Overture) Used different versions of Cura Tried different infill types (triangular, grid) No signs of heat creep Extruder motor doesn't get hot at all All fans work fine Tried different print temp (previous temp that printed perfectly was using 230. 225 seems to work fine as well when printing the bottom layers) Calibrated e-step Bed leveld multiple times P-ID for nozzle and bed tuned Every print fails as soon as it starts printing the infill with the same, ticking noise and filament not advancing, eventually the filament being ground up by the gear and completely stops. Here's a video several seconds after it starts printing infill. The fact that the problem happens as soon as it starts printing the infill makes me wonder if it's some setting in CURA that I accidentally changed? Photo of a failed print below. Thanks.
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