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Posts posted by chriska416

  1. @Slashee_the_Cow - yeah, the printer does seem to have a curve. if it's only set to heat about 1.5 deg, then I think it uses a lower power level, maybe more of a maintain, than heat to temp. 


    so what I'm currently using is working, and since I only really print PLA, it works (i know 75 seems high for PLA, but I have the Fula-Flex mat from Fulament, and when i had it at normal temps, the prints kept coming loose. in fulament's documentation, it specifically says 75 deg. and ever since making that change, i haven't had issues)


    i did try to use the variable with some subtraction math, but not multiplication. but i think my biggest problem may have been curly brackets instead of parenthesis. thanks for the code sample, i'll mess with it some more, now that i have a direction.

  2. I have my printer (Artillery Sidewinder S1) and Rasp Pi connected to a UPS (backup battery) because I experience a lot of brown-outs and fluctuations. If there is an actual black-out, then the generator will turn on within a minute. While running, the UPS says it can sustain the equipment for about 9 minutes. 


    The problem I am having is when the bed first starts to heat up, it overloads the UPS and after about 30 secs, the UPS shuts off. I have been manually increasing the temperature of the bed buy a degree or 2 and that works fine, but somewhat tedious. (When the printer is running, it's only using about 35% of the UPS capacity, so I don't want to buy a bigger UPS.)


    I have just added this code to the "Start G-Code" of my profile, and it seems to be working, but I wondered if there was a cleaner/better way to do it.


    M190 S15
    M190 S17
    M190 S19
    M190 S21
    M190 S23
    M190 S25
    M190 S27
    M190 S29
    M190 S31
    M190 S33
    M190 S35
    M190 S37
    M190 S39
    M190 S41
    M190 S43
    M190 S45
    M190 S47
    M190 S49
    M190 S51
    M190 S53
    M190 S55
    M190 S57
    M190 S59
    M190 S61
    M190 S63
    M190 S65
    M190 S67
    M190 S69
    M190 S71
    M190 S73
    M190 S{material_bed_temperature};
    M104 S{material_print_temperature} T0
    M109 S{material_print_temperature} T0


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