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  • 3D printer
    Other 3D printer

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  1. Ok, thanks I will test to see if that fixes it and I’ll try my best to get as good setting as the cura slicer provides in voxelmaker
  2. Do you know what would be a better printer to choose that isn’t crazy expensive. I believe my problem is just the printer itself, because 1. There is no tutorials on it and 2. I think it’s only when the file is a gcode it messes up. So my final question is, is there a way to export files as a .gx in cura
  3. Have you ever calibrated the E-steps of the printer? No i haven't i don't believe that is possible on the voxelab aquila pro. after cleaning out the nozzel i tried the same print again and it was slight better but very similar
  4. yes i noticed that about 30 mins ago and i took off the nozzle and i believe it was clogged so i took out the stuck material, and i think it should be fix, im going to test with a xyz cube and let you know if it worked.
  5. so what could be causing this problem, also i can send you the video i recorded of this problem via email
  6. ok here is the gcode i was trying to print most recently. i dont know much/anything about gcode. CFFFP_spur1.gcode
  7. It holds just fine, it’s when it’s trying to go onto the next layer it goes up and immediately back down. this is only happening on the gcode from ultimaker cura, I tried updating but it did work. I can email you the video of it
  8. my printer keeps messing up prints by staying on the first layer for the whole time, it goes up and then back down, and i think its the settings ive stripped it down a few times and i don't see anything wrong, the printer is UpToDate. im using a voxelab aquila pro
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