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  • 3D printer
    Other 3D printer

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  1. The current ordering feature would be a lot more useful if the options were "print first" and "print last" instead of just moving them one step up or down. That way I could just choose "print last" for each object in the order I want to print them. I want to print 16 copies of an object in a 4 x 4 grid, one by one. I have a low gantry on my x axis, so I want to print them in a scan line pattern (first x then y) to prevent finished objects from being knocked over. Multiply an object by 15 and arranging them in a grid will print the in random order, and fixing the order using the current method would take hours. I personally also dislike the naming "Print Before/After X". The standard for this operation in design application is something like "Bring to Front", "Bring Forward", "Send Backwards" and "Send to Back" inside an "Arrange" menu. I would prefer either this, or something similar like "Print Earlier/later" and "Print First/Last". Including the name can be very confusing with auto generated names and duplicated objects.
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