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  • 3D printer
    Other 3D printer

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  1. Hello, I found the solution. I calibrated my extruder and now printing works really well. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hello, the gaps in the outer wall are still there but minimal, I have set the outer wall overlap to 100%. I do not know more.
  3. Hello, I made a 3D print. There are no gaps in the exterior, the gaps are almost all gone except for a few others, but not all. I adjusted the overlap of the outer skin. I'll now do another 3D print and make the overlap more, let's see if they're gone, I'll get back to you.
  4. Hello, I did this as you said. Does it have to be like that?= new projekt.3mf
  5. OK thanks. I use a Creality Ender 3V2, I print exclusively with PLA 1.75 diameter from various brands. (There are gaps on all filaments) My extruder is mounted directly above the print head. Prints at standard quality 0.2mm. I have a 0.4 diameter nozzle. I also have version 5.8 beta. I have attached the 3mf file below. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Jonas28 3mf.3mf
  6. Hello, could someone please give me a tip? Or am I the first with the problem
  7. Hello, I'm new to 3D printing and have been having a problem for a few weeks. As you can see in the photo I have gaps in the outside wall. Spent several hours trying to fix this error. But I didn't manage anything. I've already changed the filling, changed the horizontal extension, but nothing worked. Finally I downloaded versions 5.6 and 5.3 and before that I completely deleted Cura. Nevertheless, the problems are still there. Now I have version 5.8, the latest. Could someone give me a tip?
  8. Hallo, ich bin neu im 3D Druck, und habe seit ein paar Wochen ein Problem. Wie im Foto zu sehen habe ich in der Außenwand Lücken. Habe mehrere Stunden damit verbracht, diesen Fehler zu beheben. Habe aber nichts hinbekommen. Ich habe die Füllung schon umgestellt, die horizontale Erweiterung umgestellt, aber nichts hat Funktioniert. Schließlich habe ich mir die Versionen 5.6 und 5.3 runtergeladen, und davor Cura komplett gelöscht. Trotzdem sind die Probleme immer nocht. Jetzt habe ich die Version 5.8 die neuste. Könnte mir jemand einen Tipp geben? Ps: Leider ist meine Kamera nicht so gut. Aber ich hoffe, die Lücken können sie gut erkennen. Ich habe unten noch die stl datei reingepackt.XYZ Würfel.stl Danke im Vorraus XYZ Würfel.stl
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