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Spiral chess set: Pawns + knight (in progress) 1.0

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3 Screenshots

About This File

I was looking for some nice test prints after getting my UMO+ up and running again, so I decided to m make the best of it and make my test prints into a nice chess set over time.

Printed so far:


  • Pawn 1: 0.20 layers, 200 degrees, 20 mm/s, 0.40 walls, 30% fill >> Overall a fine print, but an ugly overhang at the top edge
  • Pawn 1: 0.20 layers, 190 degrees, 20 mm/s, 0.40 walls, 20% fill >> Tried fixing the overhang by going colder, worked ok,-ish
  • Knight 1: 0.20 layers, 185 degrees, 20 mm/s, 0.60 walls, 15% fill >> Maybe too cold, overhang fine, but noticable lines on the surface


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