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Posts posted by lampmaker

  1. I have combing set to 'all' but still get these kind of travels.

    Retraction doesn't work well with softer filaments with my ultimaker original , so I try to avoid when possible.  But this print completely closed the tooth of my gear..     Doesn't look like it's combing .

    Using Cura 2.5.0





  2. I recently upgraded my old Ultimaker Original with a heated bed kit.

    Everything works, but heating / controlling the bed causes random resets. When the bed temperature is set to 0, everything prints fine.

    Just setting the bed at 60° and not printing will not cause resets, but when the bed is controlled during a print, it resets frequently, but randomly. Could be 5 minutes, could be 30 minutes.

    I suspect switching the bed on/off causes some power fluctuations . Currently don't have a scope to verify this this.

    Checked all the wiring to make sure it's not a short or loose wire somewhere.

    Anybody seen this before? Any ideas how it could be resolved? Like putting a big capacitor across the heated bed connector, for example.

    - Printing from SD

    - Electronics 1.5.3 with upgraded arduino mega256 board

    - Ful graphic smart controller

    - Marlin 16.04.1

  3. Let's discuss the possibilities of adding a routine in the firmware that detects the maximum possible speed & acceleration (& others?) of the ultimakers.

    - What should it do?

    - How should it be implemented

    I like the idea of the system running a certain pattern at increasing speeds & accelerations and checking if steps are lost by going back to the limit switches and see if they're at the same position.

    - I'm not sure if we need the DEBUG_STEPS sections to check whether steps are lost, or if there is some other way.

    - probably also some margin of error for the switches is needed. They might not be accurate enough to detect single steps lost.

    - What kind of patterns should be used?

    - at what level should the patterns be injected into the system? As Gcode strings or directly into the block buffer?

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