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Posts posted by leadingedge

  1. Hi Daid,

    I've been playing with the new version of cura and It's incredible how much you have achieved (that's the positive bit). However with certain models I can't achieve as good results as I could with v13.03.

    Number 1 on my where is it list really is bridge speed. I often print thin walls with windows in them. If the bridge speed is cut to 10mm/s then I can bridge upto 20mm without too many issues. I'm finding that 13.06.4 just can't match that. If I turn the print speed down I get really good quality walls but poor bridging.

    The another problem I have is that I often print eliptical curves in the x/y using z axis to achieve the length of a wall. in 13.03 a simple curve, .8mm thick with Joris worked really well. The head would sweep from end to end without stopping. Print 2 curves in a clam sheel design and the jump would always occur at the end of the arc.

    In 13.06 the head often stop starts and redraws mid curve. If I print 2 together then the jump between the 2 curves happens at random points mid curve - not from the ends which worked so well before. Let me know if you want to see any stl/gcode on these.

    Cura 13.06 has got many fantastic features . I've had excellent prints of the Giant Lego Yoda and weeping angel (both off Thingiverse). The speed of slicing is impressive and in many ways the results are better than 13.03, so don't stop, you're doing an excellent job!




  2. "the upper gear on the short x-belt was loose - damn sure I'd tightened that several times" . ... And I had. Even after tightening, the gear slipped agaon and prints went wonky within the first few layers.

    I've now added thread lock and a test print has come out OK - here's hoping.


  3. Very much a case of me too! Just spent a whole day printing sloped models and wondering what was wrong. I've slackened and retightened all of the gears. Re-aligned the axis. After re-mounting the x-motor for the second time, I held the drive shaft whilst moving the head and bingo .... the upper gear on the short x-belt was loose - damn sure I'd tightened that several times.

    Anyway, this whistle http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:77183 still works even though it's a little crooked


  4. Very much a case of me too! Just spent a whole day printing sloped models and wondering what was wrong. I've slackened and retightened all of the gears. Re-aligned the axis. After re-mounting the x-motor for the second time, I held the drive shaft whilst moving the head and bingo .... the upper gear on the short x-belt was loose - damn sure I'd tightened that several times.

    Anyway, this whistle http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:77183 still works even though it's a little crooked


  5. I've had my ultimaker up and running for about 3 weeks now and am fairly happy with the results but I'm hitting detail problems that I think are just down to the way Cura sets up the gcode. The photo is a good example. This is a picture of a model railway carriage - so long, thin walls, hollow and detail. As you can see - on a line level with the window(on the right) , the plank detail of the side (and around the corner) suffers for a few layers, resulting in a visible line.


    I'm happy to switch to Nettfab if there's a good chance it will resolve these issues. To give an idea of scale - the photo is take an 20 x magnification, the window is approx 4mm high.

  6. Having built my ultimaker over Christmas my first prints came out pretty well but after moving to my first big print I'm stuck.

    After 2 hours+ of printing filament stopped feeding through - which I didn't notice for about 20 mins (when the print finished) Further attempts to print resulted in no PLA being extruded - or very little with a candy floss result. Examined, cleaned and reset the extruder. removed the PLA from the bowden tube, removed waste from the nozzle only resulted in partial prints with insufficient material flow after the first couple of layers.

    So eventually resigned myself to stripping down the hot end and using a .3mm drill to clean the nozzle. Has this worked? As yet I don't know because in the process I pulled the wires off of the hot end fan (now repaired) and the main fan (when testing the hot end fan) :cry:

    Reading other posts on here I can see that my problems aren't unique and the signs were there before the failure. Prints slowing down, compared to the estimated and previous print times. The cause? It looks like I mounted the hot end fan upside down - so that it was sucking air across the hot end instead of blowing. Doh!

    so I'm reassured that I will get the ultimaker back up and running but best to wait until I'm in the right frame of mind.

    Here's the best print I've managed so far. It's a OO scale railway carriage.


    One issue I haven't solved is very slight warping of the base. A raft has solved it on the 8 cm test piece but the 22cm full size carriage still lifted very slightly at the ends. Any suggestions?

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